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Journal articles











Handbook chapters

  1. Avinun, R., &Knafo-Noam, A.* (in press). Socialization, Genetics and their Interplay in Development. In J.E. Grusec and P. Hastings (Eds.) Handbook of Socialization. Guilford.

  2. Hasenfratz, L., &Knafo, A.* (Forthcoming). Effects of Parenting on Prosocial Behavior in a Cross-Cultural Context. In J. Wright (Ed.). International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, second edition. Elsevier.

  1. Decety, J., &Knafo, A. (forthcoming). Empathy. In A. W. Toga (Ed.), Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference, Elsevier.

  2. Eisenberg, N., Spinrad, T. L., &Knafo-Noam, A. (forthcoming). Prosocial Development.  In M. E. Lamb & C. Garcia Coll (Vol. ) and R. M. Lerner (Series Ed.), Handbook of Child Psychology: Vol. 3. Social, Emotional, and Personality Development (7thed). New York: Wiley.

  3. Kuczynski, L., &Knafo, A. (2014). Innovation and Continuity in Socialization, Internalization and Acculturation. In M. Killen and J. G. Smetana (Eds.) Handbook of Moral Development, 2nd edition (pp. 93-112). Taylor and Francis Publishers.

  4. Fortuna, K., &Knafo, A. (2014). Parental and genetic contributions to prosocial behavior during childhood. In L. Padilla-Walker and G. Carlo (Eds.).The Complexities of Raising Prosocial Children: An Examination of the Multidimensionality of Prosocial Behaviors. Oxford University Press, pp. 70-89.



  • Daniel, E., Fortuna, K., Thrun, K. S., Cioban, S., & Knafo, A.* (2012). Brief Report:

Early Adolescents’ Value Development at War Time. Journal of Adolescence.

















  • Oakley, B., Knafo, A., Madhavan, G., & Wilson, D. S. (Eds.) (2012). Pathological Altruism,Oxford University Press.

Edited works (book, special issues/sections)



  • Knafo-Noam, A., Barni, D., & Schwartz, S. H. (forthcoming). Intergenerational Value Continuity: broadening from Parent-to-Child Transmission to Reciprocal Influences, Genetics, and Environmental Antecedents. In L. Arnett Jensen (Ed.).The Oxford Handbook of Moral Development: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. Oxford University Press.

  • Vertsberger, D., Israel, S., &Knafo-Noam, A.* (in press). Genetics, Parenting and Moral Development. In D. Laible, L. Padilla-Walker and G. Carlo (Eds.).The Oxford Handbook of Parenting and Moral Development. Oxford University Press.

  • Markovitch, N., &Knafo-Noam, A.* (2018). Prosociality. In M. H. Bornstein, Ed. The Sage Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development.

  • Amichay-Setter, M., &Knafo-Noam, A.* (2018). Giftedness. In M. H. Bornstein, Ed. The Sage Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development.

  • Avinun, R., &Knafo-Noam, A.* (2018). Gene-Environment Correlations. In M. H. Bornstein, Ed. The Sage Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development.

  • Vertsberger, D., &Knafo-Noam, A.* (2018). Values. In M. H. Bornstein, Ed. The Sage Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development.

  • Avinun, R., &Knafo-Noam, A.* (in press). Behavior genetics. In B. Hopkins, E. Geangu and S. Linkenauger, Eds. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Child Development (second edition).

  • Avinun, R., &Knafo-Noam, A.* (2016). Gene-Environment Interaction. In, V. Zeigler-Hill and T. K. Shackelford, Eds. Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences.

  • Knafo-Noam, A. & Markovitch, N. (2015). Individual Differences in Prosociality: The Roles of Parenting, Temperament, and Genetics. In Tremblay R.E., Boivin, M. & Peters, R. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Early Childhood Development.

  • Avinun, R., &Knafo-Noam, A.* (2015). Socialization, Genetics and their Interplay in Development. In J.E. Grusec and P. Hastings (Eds.) Handbook of Socialization. Guilford.

  • Hasenfratz, L., &Knafo, A.* (2015). Prosocial Behavior, Effects of Parenting and Family Structure on. In J. Wright (Ed.). International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, second edition. Pp. 244–249, Elsevier.

  • Decety, J., &Knafo, A. (2015). Empathy. In A. W. Toga (Ed.), Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference, vol. 3, (pp. 191-194). Academic Press: Elsevier.

  • Eisenberg, N., Spinrad, T. L., &Knafo-Noam, A. (2015). Prosocial Development.  In M. E. Lamb (Vol. Ed.) & R. M. Lerner (Series Ed.), Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science: Vol. 3. Social, Emotional, and Personality Development (7th ed) (pp. 610-658). New York: Wiley.

  • Kuczynski, L., &Knafo, A. (2014). Innovation and Continuity in Socialization, Internalization and Acculturation. In M. Killen and J. G. Smetana (Eds.) Handbook of  Moral Development, 2nd edition (pp. 93-112). Taylor and Francis Publishers.

  • Knafo, A. & Israel, S. (2012). Empathy, prosociality, and other aspects of kindness. In M. Zentner & R. Shiner, (Eds.). The Handbook of Temperament: Theory and Research. New York: Guilford Press.

  • Knafo, A., Weiner, M. & Dubrovsky, I. (2009). Prosocial behavior. In E. Anderman, (Ed.). Psychology of Classroom Learning: An Encyclopedia. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA.



  • Segal, H. & & Knafo-Noam*, A. (in press). Twin rivalry in childhood. In S. Hart and N. Aaron Jones (Eds.). The Psychology of Rivalry, Nova.

  • Benish-Weisman, M., Daniel, E., &Knafo-Noam, A. (2017). The relations between values and aggression: A developmental perspective. In S. Roccas and L. Sagiv (Eds.). Values and Behaviors. Springer.

  • Uzefovsky, F.,* &Knafo-Noam, A.,* (2017). Empathy development throughout the lifespan. In J. Sommerville &J. Decety, (Eds.). Social Cognition: Frontiers in Developmental Science Series (Psychology Press | Taylor and Francis Group).

  • Abramson, L., Mankuta, D., &Knafo-Noam, A.* (2016). Parent-child symbolic relationship in-utero: Parents’ prenatal expectations regarding their child’s temperament and their own parenting. In D. Narvaez, J. Braungart-Rieker, L. Miller, L. Gettler, & P. Hastings (Eds.).  Contexts for Young Child Flourishing: Evolution, Family, and Society. Oxford University Press.

  • Fortuna, K., &Knafo, A. (2014). Parental and genetic contributions to prosocial behavior during childhood. In L. Padilla-Walker and G. Carlo (Eds.).The Complexities of Raising Prosocial Children: An Examination of the Multidimensionality of Prosocial Behaviors. Oxford University Press, pp. 70-89.

  • Ebstein, R.P., Shalev, I.,  Israel, S., Uzefovsky, F., Avinun, R., Knafo, A., Yirmiya, N., & Mankuta, D. (2013). Oxytocin and vasopressin in human sociality and social psychopathologies. In E. Choleris, D. Pfaff, & M. Kavaliers, (Eds.). Oxytocin, Vasopressin, and Related Peptides in the Biochemical Regulation of Behavior. Cambridge University Press.

  • Knafo, A., Daniel, E., Gabay, S., Zilber, R., & Shir, R. (2012) Religion and the intergenerational continuity of values. In: G. Trommsdorff & X. Chen (Eds.).Values, Religion, and Culture in Adolescent Development, Cambridge University Press.

  • Knafo, A., & Uzefovsky, F. (forthcoming). Variation in empathy: The interplay of genetic and environmental factors. In: M. Legerstee, D. W. Haley, & M. H. Bornstein (Eds.). The developing Infant Mind: Integrating Biology and Experience. Guilford Press.

  • Knafo, A. (2011). Gene-environment Correlation Applied to Parenting: Maternal Warmth and Intrusiveness. In E. Kourkoutas & F. Erkman (Eds.). Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection: Social, Emotional, and Educational Contexts. Boca Raton, FL: Brown Walker Press

  • Knafo, A., & Israel, S. (2009). Genetic and Environmental Influences on Prosocial Behavior. In: M. Mikulincer & P. R. Shaver (Eds.), Prosocial Motives, Emotions, and Behavior: The Better Angels of Our Nature, pp. 149-167. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association (APA) Publications.

  • Oakley, B., Knafo, A., & McGrath, M. (2012). Pathological Altruism – An Introduction. In Oakley, A. Knafo, G. Madhavan, & D. S. Wilson (Eds.), Pathological Altruism (pp. 3-8), Oxford University Press.

  • Möllering, A., Schiefer, D., Knafo, A., & Boehnke, K. (forthcoming). Acculturation strategies and well-being among migrant and minority adolescents: A cross-national and cross-ethnic comparison. In R. Silbereisen (Ed.). Living Together Apart – Migrants in Israel and Germany.

  • Daniel, E., Benish Weisman, M., Boehnke, K., & Knafo, A.* (forthcoming). Personal and culture-dependent values as part of minority adolescent identity. In R. Silbereisen (Ed.). Living Together Apart – Migrants in Israel and Germany.

  • Knafo, A., & Schwartz, S. H. (2008). Accounting for parent-child value congruence: Theoretical considerations and empirical evidence. In: U. Schönpflug (Ed.), Cultural transmission: Developmental, psychological, social, and methodological perspectives (pp. 240-268), Cambridge University Press.

  • Knafo, A., Assor, A., Schwartz, S. H., & David, L. (2008). Culture, migration, and family value socialization: A theoretical model and empirical investigation with Russian-speaking youth in Israel. In: U. Schönpflug (Ed.), Cultural transmission: Developmental, psychological, social, and methodological perspectives (pp. 269-296), Cambridge University Press.

  • Solomon, S., & Knafo, A. (2007). Value similarity in adolescent friendships. In T. C. Rhoades (Ed.). Focus on Adolescent Behavior Research(pp. 133-155). New York: Nova Science Publishers.

  • Knafo, A., & Schwartz, S. H. (2003). Culture-appropriate parenting and value transmission in families of Israeli-born and Soviet-born adolescents in Israel. In T. Horowitz, B. Kotik-Friedgut, & S. Hoffman (Eds.), From pacesetters to dropouts: Post-Soviet youth in comparative perspective, (pp. 69-88), New York: The Rowan and Littlefield Publishers.



  • Hadjar, A., Boehnke, K., Knafo, A., Daniel, E., Musiol, A. L., Schiefer, D., & Möllering, A. (2014). Intergenerationale Werteähnlichkeit, Distanz zu gesellschaftlichen Mainstream-Werten und subjektives Wohlbefinden von MigrantInnen. In Zwischen den Generationen (pp. 49-69). Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. (German).  

  •  Daniel, E., & Knafo, A.* (2011). Values and attitudes towards law abiding. Law and Business, 12, 159-180 (Hebrew).

  • Knafo, A., & Israel, S., (2011). Genes, Parenting, and the Parent-Child Relationship. Systeemtheoretisch Bulletin, XXIX:3, 273-286. (Dutch). 

  • Ben-Shalom, U., Dubrovsky, I., Knafo, A., & Etgar, S. (2006). Soldiers during the disengagement: Stress, coping and meaning from a positive psychology perspective.Military Psychology, 5, 197-241 (Hebrew).

  • Daniel, E., & Knafo, A.* (2011). Values and attitudes towards law abiding. Law and Business, 12, 159-180 (Hebrew).

  • Knafo, A., & Israel, S., (2011). Genes, Parenting, and the Parent-Child Relationship.Systeemtheoretisch Bulletin, XXIX:3, 273-286. (Dutch).

  • Knafo, A., & Schwartz, S. H. (2004). Value transmission in the family: Effects of family background and implications for educational achievement. Jerusalem: NCJW Research Institute for Innovation in Education (Hebrew).

  • Knafo, A. (2002). Les implications socioculturelles de la revue bilingue “Brit” chez les Juifs francophones originaires du Maroc (The socio-cultural implications of “Brit”, a bilingual periodical of Francophone Morrocan Jews in Israel). In: D. Mendelson (Ed.):La Culture Francophone en Israel, vol. 2 (pp. 261-281). Paris: Edition L’Harmattan. (French)



  • Knafo-Noam, A. (2019, February 15). With all due respect to science, some lines cannot be crossed (on Three Identical Strangers). Haaretz, Weekend supplement (in Hebrew).

  • Knafo-Noam, A. (2017, October 24). Grandfather, grandson and two secret notes. Haaretz, literary supplement (in Hebrew).

  • Knafo, A.  (2014). Ask the Brains: Are people inclined to act cooperatively or selfishly? And is such behavior genetic? Scientific American Mind.

  • Oakley, B., Madhavan, G., Knafo, A., & Wilson, D. S. (2012). Killing with Kindness. Studying the evolution of altruistic behaviors reveals how knee-jerk good intentions can backfire. The Scientist.

  • Knafo, A. (2012). A fascinating introduction to the temperamental thread: A review of Kagan’s book. Society and Welfare. (Hebrew).

*Corresponding author/ principal investigator

Journal articles
Handbook chapters
  • המעבדה להתפתחות חברתית

המעבדה להתפתחות חברתית בראשות פרופ' אריאל כנפו, המחלקה לפסיכולוגיה, האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים.

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