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What makes a person become pro-social while the other selfish?
Does empathy have a genetic basis?

Why do some parents treat their children differently?

At the Social Development Laboratory, headed by Professor Ariel Knafo, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, we study the social and emotional development of children. We study the ways in which their personality evolves, and which factors contribute to individual differences.

Human nature is very complex. Therefore, in order to answer these questions we investigate many genetic and environmental elements. We study the ways genes and environment influence each other, and the interactions between them.



See our Studies

Social Development Laboratory, Department of Psychology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem, Israel.

Email: Phone: +972(0)2-5883798

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המעבדה להתפתחות חברתית בראשות פרופ' אריאל כנפו, המחלקה לפסיכולוגיה, האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים.

דוא"ל: טלפון: 02-5883798

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