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Prof. Ariel Knafo-Noam


Main grants:

2020: Principal investigator for Israeli site - Subgrant from the John Templeton Foundation - The Development of Values and Religion-Science Attitudes in Formal Education


2018: Principal investigator - Israel Science Foundation - Integrating Traits and Values in Adolescent Personality: A Developmental Twin Study of Genetic and Ecological Effects


2016: Michael Bruno Award – attached grant – Exploring the Origins of Values


2012: Grant from the Israel Science Foundation (ISF) - The Development of Values: Effects of Genetics and Socialization from Childhood to Early Adolescence


2009: ERC (European Research Council) Starting Grant. Gene-environment Correlations in Early Social Development


2009: John Templeton Foundation - Parenting, Gene-environment Correlations, and Epigenetic Factors in the Development of Children's Generosity


2007: German-Israeli Consortium on Migration and Integration (with K. Boehnke) - Identity Development with regard to Values in Veteran and Migrant Adolescents and their Families in Germany and Israel: Life Transitions and Contexts


2006: Grant from the Israel Science Foundation (ISF) - Children's Prosocial Development: A Longitudinal Twin Study of Genetics, Cognitive Abilities, and Socialization


2005: Grant from the National Institute for Psychobiology - The molecular genetic architecture of altruism


2003: Young Researcher Grant from the German-Israeli Foundation (GIF) - Values as Protective Factors Against Intergroup and within-group Violence

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